When a crush injury, a car accident, or a sports injury occurs, it raises the question, Does this patient have compartment syndrome. Confirming compartment syndrome quickly and confidently can be difficult. Often, the current capital equipment is unavailable or locked up, and the consumable components are expired. Combine that with a surgeon in a scheduled procedure and the delays in treatment grow longer.
Confirmation in seconds with Compass.
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Compass gives you confidence to make the call.
Transducers measure pressure instantly and are disposable for savings and infection control
Much easier and more accurate setup than with traditional systems
Wide measurement range from -199 mmHg to 999 mmHg
Can also be ordered separately or added to any kit
The Compass disposable pressure transducer with integrated digital display is intended for measurement of physiological pressure.
Delays and misdiagnosed compartment syndrome can have catastrophic consequences
When a crush injury, a car accident, or a sports injury occurs, it raises the question, Does this patient have compartment syndrome. Confirming compartment syndrome quickly and confidently can be difficult. Often, the current capital equipment is unavailable or locked up. The consumables are expired. Combine that with a surgeon in a scheduled procedure and the delays in treatment grow longer.
In a typical ED scenario, the orthopedist is informed of a suspected case, but is busy with a scheduled procedure.
Delays and indecision regarding treatment of compartment syndrome can lead to serious complications. Nerves and tissue can die and muscles can be damaged quickly:
With compartment syndrome, early detection is vitally important. For patients who receive an early fasciotomy: