Treatment with EmoLED is indicated for acute and chronic lesions such as leg ulcers (venous, mixed, and arterial), surgical dehiscence, inflammatory ulcers (vasculitis), post-traumatic ulcers, scleroderma ulcers, neuro-ischaemic ulcers in the diabetic foot, pressure and skin graft ulcers in patients over age 16.

There are no specific restrictions on the type of skin lesions that can be treated with EmoLED, with the exception of neoplastic lesions and lesions in patients with porphyria. No side effects to the treatment have been found, nor have adverse events occurred related to the use of the device. EmoLED treatment is an aid to standard therapy and forms part of wound bed preparation.

The clinical course of vasculitic ulcer treated with EmoLED with two consecutive applications (120 seconds) twice weekly for 4 weeks; the permanence of ulcer: one year. Dini V et al. Blue light emission in the management of hard-to-heal wounds. G Ital Dermatol Venereol, 2020.
Clinical course of acral ulcer in a patient with scleroderma treated with EmoLED for 60 seconds, once weekly for 14 weeks. Scleroderma Unit, AOU San Luigi Gonzaga, Orbassano (Product trial 1851).
Clinical course of a deep burn subjected to rejected autologous grafts, treated with EmoLED for 60 seconds, twice weekly for a total of 4 treatments. Burns Center – Ospedale Maurizio Bufalini, Cesena (Product trial 1911).

Therapeutic effects

EmoLED when applied at least once a week has been found to be effective in reducing wound healing time, inflammation and pain.

Clinical observations, in venous ulcers and vasculitis in particular, have found a significant reduction in pain after four weeks of treatment, corresponding with the appearance of the clinical signs of overcoming the inflammatory stasis and reactivation of the healing process. In a clinical study in ulcers of varying aetiology, predominantly venous ones (Blue Light for Ulcers Reduction, 2019), treatment with EmoLED led to a significant reduction of the surface area of the treated ulcers in 10 weeks.

Wound healing starts when perilesional tissue improves with epithelial edge advancement (edge effect) and the consequent reduction in ulcer dimensions, key indicators of the healing outcome in various types of wound.

Progression of venous leg ulcer treated with EmoLED. Source: Patient (cod.608), Blue Light for Ulcers Reduction Study (BLUR). 2019., Identifier: NCT04018924.

Recommended exposure and administration

The recommended standard treatment regimen is at least one weekly treatment with EmoLED following wound cleansing. For some types of lesion (pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcer and inflammatory ulcer) two weekly treatments are recommended following wound cleansing.

The standard duration of treatment with EmoLED is 60 seconds per affected area; for diabetic foot and vasculitic ulcers, a treatment of 120 seconds per lesion is recommended. The area interested by EmoLED treatment is the wound bed and the perilesional skin. In case of partial superimposition of the treated areas, there are not other risks due to excessive dosage or contraindications.

60 secondsOnce weekly
SURGICAL DEHISCENCE60 secondsOnce weekly
PRESSURE ULCERS60 secondsTwice weekly
DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS120 secondsTwice weekly
VASCULITIC ULCERS120 secondsTwice weekly
SCLERODERMA ULCERS60 secondsOnce weekly
ACUTE LESIONS (SKIN GRAFT)60 secondsOnce weekly



Discover how to deliver EmoLED therapy


Instrument for healing skin lesions

EmoLED is a medical device to aid in skin lesion healing. It uses LED sources that emit blue light and has a sophisticated optical system that facilitates homogeneous and controlled emission. Its operation is based on the direct transfer of photonic energy from the device to the patient, without the intervention of mediators (chemical or medicinal additives) and is patented. EmoLED is designed and manufactured in Italy, according to the regulations applicable to class aII medical devices. Light, compact and portable; EmoLED must be used by specialist personnel.


Rapid Treatment

The standard application time with EmoLED is 60 seconds per lesion area; each application is performed in a circular area with 50 mm diameter. In case of larger wounds, the full treatment will consist of several successive applications on the adjacent zones until the full wound area is covered.


Easy to Perform

To help the operator, the device has software installed that automatically calculates the number of applications necessary to treat the entire lesion. The operator merely has to enter the dimensions of the wound using the touch screen with the device’s user-friendly interface.


Non-Invasive & Painless

The device is contact-free: a distance of 4 cm from the wound bed must be maintained during treatment. An optoelectronic sensor and a visible distance indicator on the touchscreen help the operator to identify and maintain the correct position during use. The treatment is tolerated well by patients.


Safe for the Patient & Operator

During treatment, the device emits light only if positioned at the correct distance from the target area. It includes an accessory for visual comfort and safety glasses for the operator. The device is rechargeable and turns on only if the battery charge is sufficient to cover the entire cycle of the planned applications.


EmoLED Evidence

EmoLED therapy is supported by a multi-centre, randomised trial titled BLUR (Blue Light for Ulcer Reduction). This clinical trial enrolled XX number of patients monitoring YY wounds, with a median wound age of 5.5 years representing a genuine real world sample of chronic, non-healing wounds. BLUR reported a significant improvement in the rate of re-epithelisation of non-healing wounds in the group assigned to receive EmoLED therapy for 60-seconds per 20cm2 in addition to standard care. This was particularly evident for the venous ulcer sub-group.

Suggest using hyperlinked paper cover of the study that links to the journals hosting website.

Following the peer-reviewed publication of BLUR, cases publications have grown considerably from all around the wound reporting similar observations of improved tissue regeneration following photo biomodulation therapy with EmoLED in a range of aetiologies including; burns, lower leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and pressure ulcers.

Clinic research into improved outcomes with EmoLED therapy is ongoing – contact us to learn more


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