Tag Archives: Melmak

Offer Sports Medicine & Injury Rehab Services? Why Melmak Is The Perfect Fit For Your Clinic

Wish there was more that you could do for your patients with fractures during that critical healing stage? For the sports physio, hand therapist, podiatrist and other musculoskeletal practitioners we work with, a shared frustration is explaining to patients the way they’re going to optimise their care and recovery, and get the patient’s body back […]

Melmak & Fracture Healing: Updated Research & Evidence

Of the estimated 156,000 fractures resulting from poor bone health within a year in Australia1, approximately 5-10% demonstrate delayed healing or non-union2, a figure that is set to increase as the survival rate for people with serious injuries improves.3 These delayed or non-healing fractures put a strain on both people, their families and the health […]