Strapit ACTIVETAPE V2 is a new and exciting product for new tapers as well ashighly experienced health professionals. It can be considered the “functionaltape” assisting in unloading & reloading muscles and joints, reducing pain andenhancing performanceand recovery. Strapit ACTIVETAPE is a low allergenic(no latex or zinc oxide) smooth & comfortable to wear multi-directional stretchtape. Strapit ACTIVETAPE comprises a blend of nylon and lycra cloth giving it aslinky light and athletic feel which is durable and contours well to all bodyshapes and sizes. It is safe to use on all ages from children through to adults aswell as during pregnancy.
Multi-directional Stretch & Adhesion
STRAPITACTIVETAPE IS NOT KINESIOLOGY TAPE. Unlike traditionalkinesiology stretch tapes, Strapit ACTIVETAPE is unique in that it is highly elasticand stretches in both directions (multi-directional) meaning it can adhere closelyaround joints and body parts for maximum full dynamic support & unloading. Asmuscles do not function in one plane of movement and usually are acrossmultiple joints, the tape can closely mimic muscle function and joint movement,therefore assisting movement through multiple planes. Strapit ACTIVETAPE, alsodoes not have a rigid endpoint which allowsfor full joint, muscle and bodymovement (ie. Allows support but does not restrict movement).
Strapit ACTIVETAPE has superior adhesive glue technology ensuring you canhave confidence in it sticking through any high-level sport, recreational activitiesorworking conditions. It is also made of a breathable fabric which dries quicklyensuring it repels water so that it is perfect for showering, swimming, watersports and frail sensitive skin.When applying you can apply one layer of even multiple layers. Just like a bungeecord. More thicker means more support and deloading/reloading.
1. Made of Synthetic Nylon with a small % of Lycra.
2. Very waterproof and dries very quickly
3. Advanced Japanese Adhesive for maximal stick
4. High Grade Waterproof Technology
5. 260% stretch!!!
6. Applied in Shorten Joint Position for true joint/muscles protection andsupport
STRAPITbrings this exciting new product to the market.StrapitACTIVETAPE V2is part of the 4 way stretch tapes that’s core role is tooffload and then reload softtissues and joints
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