The emerging field of podiatry is an exciting one – it’s constantly growing, evolving and diversifying with the publication of new research, and the development of new medical products and devices. While this is invaluable for the profession, it poses a unique problem for clinic owners – how to effectively market their new services and […]
What Is The Most Effective Treatment For Fungal Nail Infections? Representing half of all nail abnormalities in adults,2 fungal nail infections have long been a point of frustration for podiatrists during a clinical presentation. Wanting to offer the patients a solution, some clinics offer various anti-fungal topical creams and ointments. Others prefer referrals back to […]
RehaCare stocks a full range of Plantar Fasciitis splints and supports. Our range has been developed to provide sufferers of this painful condition with many choices and options to achieve the best relief possible for their exact symptoms within their budget. The first question to ask when choosing a plantar fasciitis relief is whether you […]
We present here the video recording of Robert Sullivan’s webinar on the topic of Lunula Laser – The Science Behind the Light. If you would like to get a copy of the slides used during the webinar, you can contact us at and we will send them via email. Lunula – The Science Behind […]
The Kinesics App is a range of motion software solution for any professional conducting range of motion evaluations. At Kinesics, data comes first. We have done our homework to seek out a range of motion measurement tool that is accurate and reliable every time, no matter who is taking the measurement. This is called intra […]
Nail Fungus Treatment of 2018 DID YOU KNOW? More than 10% of the general population has onychomycosis. Fungal nail problems are often ignored because of its uncomfortable nature and painful treatments. There are various treatments for fungal infections, including ointments and creams and oral medications but with low success rates. Many podiatrists have treated nail […]
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