Diabetic & Pregnant Patients: What Is The Best Fungal Nail Treatment To Offer – And What To Avoid?

Fungal nail infections are a common and frustrating problem affecting between 10% and 23% of people worldwide [1], a figure that skyrockets up to 50% in those aged 70 years and older [2]. And for those that have diabetes or are pregnant, the infection risk may be higher also due to the unique effects of […]

The Unexpected Benefits Of Antifungal Nail Laser For Clinics And Their Patients

The use of Lunula cold laser has quickly become the #1 preferred treatment to eliminate both mild, severe and stubborn fungal nail infections over the past decade. For the patient, Lunula boasts significant benefits including being completely painless and heat free, eliminating the risk of burns and discomfort experienced with traditional hot laser. Having no […]

The Best Pain Relief Option For Arthritis? EVRL Laser

Arthritis has historically been a challenging area for health professionals to manage worldwide. From the complex nature and disease process, to the various types of arthritis with their own unique features and clinical concerns. In some cases, the underlying mechanisms of arthritic pain have been poorly understood, making it difficult to effectively target the root […]

Low Level Laser Therapy: The Scientific Mechanisms Behind Its Pain Relieving Function

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has gained significant popularity and praise over the past decade for its safe and effective pain relieving functions, as it has become integrated into medical clinics worldwide, and used on tens of thousands of satisfied patients. As such, there is much curiosity from a variety of health professionals, doctors and allied […]

Offer Sports Medicine & Injury Rehab Services? Why Melmak Is The Perfect Fit For Your Clinic

Wish there was more that you could do for your patients with fractures during that critical healing stage? For the sports physio, hand therapist, podiatrist and other musculoskeletal practitioners we work with, a shared frustration is explaining to patients the way they’re going to optimise their care and recovery, and get the patient’s body back […]

What’s the Difference Between InterX and a TENS?

You may find yourself wondering what is the difference between InterX® vs TENS? This blog will break down the differences between the two. InterX® InterX® therapy is noninvasive interactive neurostimulation that works over the skin. It is only “skin” deep, so unlike a TENS, the depth of penetration is more superficial, therefore, not causing muscle contraction […]

Melmak & Fracture Healing: Updated Research & Evidence

Of the estimated 156,000 fractures resulting from poor bone health within a year in Australia1, approximately 5-10% demonstrate delayed healing or non-union2, a figure that is set to increase as the survival rate for people with serious injuries improves.3 These delayed or non-healing fractures put a strain on both people, their families and the health […]

Unsure If Lunula Is Right For You? Trial It With Us

The Lunula cold laser for fungal nail infections has repeatedly been described as one of the best investments for a podiatry clinic for the otherwise challenging and difficult-to-treat problem of onychomycosis. As with any new therapy, however, it’s important to consider whether it will be the right fit for a clinic at this time, how […]

Why does my wrist hurt? Have I got a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), Carpal Tunnel syndrome, or Arthritis?

Too much time spent on your hands? Wrist pain can cause significant disruption in your daily living and lifestyle activities, from pain sensation during the night to simple tasks of carrying objects. Rehacare is here to provide you with an extensive range of rehabilitation products to relieve signs of pain/ discomfort, ensuring you can get […]