Gripit Precut Kinesiology Tape has been developed by leading AustralianPhysiotherapists. All Pre cuts are designed to assist with pain and injury.Gripit Precut Kinesiology Tape is a user friendlyproduct where you don’t needto worry about the challenge of using a roll of tape. Our precut tape systemsmake application very easy with both instructions inside the box and alsoonline. You can’t go wrong!
TENNIS/GOLFERS ELBOWPre-cut Kinesiology Tape
Suitable for:Elbow Pain–Elbow Ligament Sprain–Elbow Tendonitis–RepetitiveStrain–Adolescent Growth Plate Pain–Forearm Muscle Strain–PostDislocation/Surgery/Fracture
- 180-200% Elasticity
- Just like Skin!
- 5-7 day use-Online Instructions
- Waterproof Technology
- Low Allergy Adhesive
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